Wednesday Motivational – The Most Valuable Currency There Is

I very reluctantly listened to this speech. I didn't expect to be moved to tears by this one.  But I was. I'm not going to make any commentary.  But this is a great speech.  Please......Listen to it. - Next week will be the last of this series.  I bet some of you can guess

Wednesday Motivational – Draw The Line

Balls Of Steel And Fury  likes to say that his mantra is "Live and Let Die". And while I wouldn't phrase it that way necessarily.....He's not wrong. I've often had difficulty with letting go of something or someone I cared about....which/whom I should have let go of long before I did. But I

Wednesday Motivational – Be Kind

I'm about to sound like a crazed Hippie. Don't care. I try to be kind to every stranger I meet and also with those in my life I deal with regularly.  Family, friends, etc..  Admittedly, it's sometimes a difficult thing to accomplish. Some people won't accept kindness.  They're just not built for it. 
