Luv Ya

tWBS died two years ago. The Covid lockdown took tWBS away, never to be seen or heard from again. More corona mutations and science deniers: THAT we get back from the freakin’ lockdown. Makes no sense! Sorry Christians, but “God” sucks. Everyone says that honesty and generosity are two of the

Luv Ya

tWBS died a year ago. It’s still shocking because tWBS was so alive—combative, emphatic, warm... He could take any Russian in a freezer vodka contest, an evening equally likely to end in a hugfest or duking it out with strangers. He was a personable devil and a great friend. tWBS

Let’s Get Positive! Starring, the NFL

Back in the XX Century, university class schedules converted Thursdays into Drinking Days. They’ve been that way ever since, confirmed by Friday hangovers. Recently, Wednesdays became Positive Days, thanks to tWBS’s ”Wednesday Motivational”. Man I miss that guy. /presses Play /crushes the Mute button Lately it’s been suckier than a Jets late afternoon

It Will Be OK Eventually

I tried to get a “Wednesday Motivational” out of TWBS through a séance with my santero neighbors. Turns out the oracle (turtle) only knew Spanish. And, I was too high to translate. Sorry, I’m an atheist; had to take the edge off my snark to make it out alive. Still, it’s Wednesday,

It's Saturday night, so you know what that means?! Cartoons! Okay look - there's not a lot on these days. So I figured, why not go deep down some rabbit hole & find a historical artifact that, when viewed with today's eyes, seems wildly out of place, and the act of just

Request Line: Dude.

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The PRODUCER sits at the control panel, gazing into the booth with a thousand yard stare.  DJ 3000 is in his usual location against the wall.  The mood is very somber.  The lights on DJ 3000 start to flash with increasingly frequency, and then are joined