Fun with Polls! Bob’s Burgers edition

So,  I’ve decided to institute a new series for the new year. Coming hot

On the heels

of the fabulously successful Miss BumBum

pageant poll, I’ve decided to mine the collective minds of the Commentist Party in search of the definitive answer to the vexing questions of our time.

First up: Which is the best Bob’s Burgers character?

The beautiful thing about this show is that even the fringe characters are nicely developed to the point that we look forward to seeing them in a new episode.

Which, now that I think about it, leads me to making TWO polls. One is for the immediate family and the other is for the supporting cast.

I’m including Teddy in the immediate family poll because not only is he in almost every episode, he pretty much is a part of the family.

Also, I’m fairly confident he would win the supporting character poll in a landslide.

Without further ado, POLL#1: Who is your favourite Belcher family member? You will be able to vote for two candidates and the winner will be the one with the most votes.

Here are your choices:

Linda Belcher
Bob Belcher
Louise Belcher
Gene Belcher
Tina Belcher
Gayle Belcher

Real or Implants Pic 5

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And now, POLL#2: Who is the best Bob’s Burgers supporting character? In this poll, you can vote for three characters. Winner is the one with the most votes. Here are your choices:

Calvin Fischoeder
Felix Fischoeder
Jimmy Jr. Pesto
Jimmy Pesto
Mr. Frond
Rollerblader Guy
Andy and Ollie Pesto
Tammy Larsen
Regular sized Rudy
Edith Cranwinkle
Sgt. Bosco

Real or Implants Pic 6

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The polls close at midnight tonight.

Make your case for your faves in the comments!

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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[…] Last week, we posed two questions to the DFO audience related the brilliant TV show Bob’s Burgers: […]


I just remembered how much I enjoy Ron, Hugo’s sidekick in the health inspector game. Not sure there are good gifs of either of them, but I’d put Ron in my top five of supporting characters.
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Game Time Decision

We allowed to vote without ever watching the show?

Game Time Decision

Random votes submitted


I have seen a handful of Bob’s Burgers episodes and hope to watch all the seasons on Netflix in the Spring.

As of right now, I’d say Tina and Junior are the two people I’d vote for


Everything Gene says cracks me the fuck up.

And Kevin Kline is brilliant.


Bob > Archer

Mr. Fischoeder is Kevin Kline’s best work in years

Gayle is underrated as a character and the work Megan Mullally does on the show is great.

Picking between Tina, Gene and Louise… Who do you think I am Meryl Streep?
(Fun Fact Kevin Kline made his screen debut in Sophie’s Choice)

Andy and Ollie are always great

One of my favorite episodes is the Goonies one where Cindy Lauper even did the music for.

King Hippo

Team Louise and Andy/Ollie (voiced by the awesome Silverman sisters)

Ian Scott McCormick

I gave the Linda vote, and one of the two for Mickey. I would also enjoy those two being given their own episode.

Also, back when I was on social media, I used to post this clip every New Years.

Hey, that’s Debby Harry. That’s pretty cool. I don’t care how old Blondie gets, booking Debby is pretty cool.


No love for Daryl?


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There are really no wrong answers here. Except for Gayle.

King Hippo

I like that she’s a crazy cat person, but she doesn’t respect cats enough.