Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: The Edge of History

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIYhP9iZHss Whoever it was who liked my RNG goddesses Anna joke from way back when, here's another Fire Emblem joke. You're welcome. No, I said the edge of history, goddammit! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBMdLj0bx8g No word on whether they steal the Declaration of Independence. …Not quite. Fuck it, start again. So last week you may have mentioned I un-errored

Are These the Worst Uniforms Ever? (Or, DFO Mocks the MLB All-Star Game Unis)

Yes, I'm sure that by the time this posts it'll be old news, but they dropped the uniforms for this year's All-Star Game (originally in Atlanta but moved to Denver because Georgia doesn't want to let those people vote, and by those people we mean people who normally vote Democratic

Looking at the Table – Sabado Lesser Thread

There's really fuckall to do until Most Glorious el beisbol Cardinals start around 2p (banner pic in honoUr, also since it pisses so many off that maybe we can has extra clubhouse participation??).  That's because all the Premiership fixtures are tomorrow morning.  So sad.  Everton's match is on CNBC, which

Shooting Yourself In the D*ck With An AR-15: Comments on the MLB “Reopening”

At this point, political humor is dead. To quote Penny Arcade: “It’s like trying to make fun of a clown. What, are you going to make fun of his tiny car? His floppy shoes? It just doesn’t work.”   Similarly, we’ve run through all the stand-up specials, animated sitcoms, obscure British 90s

Lesser Footy y Bringing Back #BFIB FOAR 2020 Open Thread

Yeah, that's right.  The most universally beloved sportsball franchise starts Grapefruit League play this afternoon.  Our hapless opponent is the Mets, at 1:05 EST (FSMW/MLB.tv).  Some questions and answers: HIPPO - Which baseballist shall be touched by Most Glorious Devil Magic in 2020? OTHER HIPPO - So glad you asked, Other Hippo!  I am


That's right, kids- Uncle Scotchy is...indisposed for the evening. Some people just can't hold their chloroform. WHICH MEANS that Ol' Reverend Mayhem is driving the train tonight, and he's all hopped up on the Halloween candy Dr. Mrs. Mayhem bought and tried to stash away. CAN'T HIDE THE REESE'S FROM ME,

Your “It’s Opening Day You Sumb*tches” Midday Open Thread

I'm not going to get verbose here. Wow you guys are sooooooo mean. Anywhoooo.... It's baseball's opening day.  As I type this I'm watching the Yankees kick the shit out of my Orioles.  Which isn't a surprise exactly, but I was hoping for a miracle. A minimum of 120 losses this year.  Mark my

Your NLCS Game 3 Open Thread

/gets called into DFO backroom/dungeon Balls: WHAT? Mysterious Hooded Figure holding a beer: Dude,  WTF? Balls: WYTAW? Mysterious Hooded Figure holding a blunt: What day is it today,  asshole? Balls: Uh, Friday? MHFH a beer: Seriously? Balls: Wednesday? MHFH a blunt: FFS, it's Monday!! As in MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL!?!? Balls: You guys know I don't like the NFL, right? MHFH